Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I was a little wary of this recipe because it contains cornmeal. However, I was very pleasantly surprised! The recipe also calls for bacon drippings, which I omitted. Without them, these pancakes are technically vegan! They have flour, salt, baking powder, cornmeal, and water. They were extremely easy to make - I could totally imagine making them over a campfire.

Ellen insisted on eating hers with Nutella.
But I ate mine the suggested way, almost. They are supposed to be stacked with butter and maple syrup between each layer, cut into wedges, and served. Just like in a cartoon! But I didn't want to do that because there was no way we would have finished eating them all and they would have been soggy and gross.
So I cut one into fourths and made a mini stack!
It was insanely delicious. The cornmeal gave it some texture, but the wheat flour kept it from being too grainy. I cannot wait until tomorrow morning when I am going to eat the leftovers.
The thought of eating flapjacks makes me feel like a lumberjack, which I guess is a good way to start the day.
I had a lot of trouble getting my camera to focus when taking these pictures. Hopefully it's because it was early in the morning and I was sleepy, not because my camera is broken.

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