Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shrovetide Pancakes

According to Wikipedia, Shrovetide is another word for Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. It is sometimes also called Pancake Day, and marks the day before the start of Lent. Evidently pancakes were made to use up the last of the "fatty and rich foods" before Lent.
Pancake races are common on this day in Australia and the UK where one must run holding a frying pan and flipping a pancake. Legend has it these races started in 1444 when a housewife, hearing the church bells calling her to service, ran out of the house still holding her frying pan.
These pancakes were mostly composed of eggs.

I ate them with cooked spinach and butter! They were delicious, but that may have been because of the spinach.
Although no pancake races took place in our apartment, there were other strange sightings...

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