Thursday, August 18, 2011

Corn Pancakes

I would just like to take a moment to thank one very instrumental person to this project: my mysterious antisocial roommate. Without her, none of this would have been possible. Her generous and unknowing contribution of her mixing bowl, silverware, and ladle has been invaluable. She will be moving out this week, and her dishes will be missed.

Now onto the good stuff - corn pancakes. Containing 2 cups of creamed corn! To quote Tom, "No one has eaten creamed corn since 1998." I wonder why.

Vomit city #2
They refused to stay together, even when I added more flour. So I gave up and made corn pancake mush instead.
Added broccoli and salt. Salt was probably unnecessary as the corn was salty enough already. I could only eat half of it before I started to feel sick.
Thankfully Stef was here, and she actually liked it! She is a true lover of all smushed corn products.

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