Saturday, March 9, 2013

Carrot Cake Waffles

I found this list of waffles on BuzzFeed, which led me to this recipe for vegan carrot cake waffles. Because I am not a vegan and am lazy, I made some substitutions. 

The first part was making the cinnamon maple cream cheese spread.
My maple syrup pours out realllllyyy slowly because I was too weak to unscrew the top to take the paper tab off, so I just poked it in with a knife and now it is obstructing the flow. 

I used normal cream cheese, not vegan, and did not measure it. I added in maple syrup, a bit of lemon juice, and cinnamon. It said to use an electric mixer. I do not have one of those, but Natalie has an awesome hand-powered beater. It didn't really work for this, it all just got stuck together. I ended up kinda just mashing it together with a knife.

I needed a cup of finely shredded carrots. I only had baby carrots and coarsely chopped carrots. I tried for about 2 seconds to grate the baby carrots, then decided I value my fingers too much. 

So I ended up putting the shredded carrots in the blender. To help them mix, I added in the milk (I used vanilla almond milk) and the yogurt. I only had Greek yogurt, and not enough, so I just added more milk in its place.
One of my lovely roommates has lost the rubber ring for my blender, so it leaked everywhere. But it created this beautiful orange soup.

Added to the flour, (1/2 wheat, 1/2 oat), baking powder, spices, raisins, and some other stuff made a lumpy dough.

They turned out pretty nice. Sometimes I think my waffle photographing skills are better than my waffle making skills, and I am just fooling everyone with pretty pictures. 

They were not as crispy as I would have liked. Perhaps I should have cooked them for longer. Or followed the recipe.
Natalie said they tasted "earthy" and also said "Yum. Cream cheese on waffles is awesome. I also like raisins."

I am thinking about posting my original recipes here, but I usually don't follow them/forget what substitutions I made/the end product isn't really that great. But maybe in the future I will!

I am doing recipes now on my other blog! Check it out here!

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