Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tomato Feta Pancakes

 I had a bunch of tomatoes, so obviously I put them into pancakes. It seems like not many people have tried this before, so I had to make up the recipe somewhat. I based it off one I found on the internet, but it was in French and all the measurements were in grams so I had to make some adjustments.

I dropped the tomatoes in boiling water to take the skins off. Naked tomatoes look kinda gross.

Then I sliced each one in half and scooped the seeds out.

Chopped them up, added feta, soy milk, an egg, baking powder, white and whole wheat flour.
I finally used the griddle - it made cooking these go so much faster.

My main worry was that these wouldn't stay together but they did surprisingly well.

The taste however was not the best. I think the tomato was too moist, so the inner parts didn't seem all the way cooked.
Next time I think a little more flour. Sun-dried tomatoes instead of fresh would definitely be better.

But we ate them anyway!

Tomato and Feta Pancakes
Makes 8 small pancakes
Inspired by Alter Gusto
  • 5 tomatoes (chopped, with skins and seeds removed) OR 1 cup sun-dried tomatoes (recommended)
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese
  • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup soy milk
  1. Mix flours and baking powder, then add all other ingredients. Add milk last - use more if necessary to create a liquid consistency 

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