Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cheesy Potato Pancakes

Potatoes! Cheese! Onions! Eggs! What could be better? I got to use my grater a lot!

Maybe a little too much....the frame snapped :(
The recipe called for 4 potatoes. It did not specify size. I used 6 little potatoes from the giant sack I bought at Haymarket. Recipe said to peel them, but who owns a peeler?
These made an amazing breakfast-for-dinner. They were almost like a combo between a hash brown and an omelette. Ate them with fried eggs, then I tried one with applesauce. I think I prefer them leftover and cold from the fridge though!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! You prefer all pancakes as cold left-overs! :D I miss you Sadie! and I love your blog!!!
