Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dutch Baby

The best thing about this recipe is the name. It lends itself to all sorts of fun sayings like "my baby's in the oven" or "you're eating the baby."

AND it involves a blender! Six eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla, etc. is all blended together. Thank goodness for the return of Ellen and her Cuisinart!

The recipe says to pour it into a 10 inch skillet and bake for about 15 minutes. I used a cake pan instead of a skillet, just because I could. I was too lazy to move the oven racks to a proper position, so I just put it in then went and took a shower, and when I got back the baby had kind of exploded!
The top only got a little burnt.
It stuck to the pan majorly. I should really invest in some Pam.
Ate as suggested with lemon juice, a sprinkling of powdered sugar, and some sliced fruit. Went with something called a "plumcot" which I got at Trader Joe's because it was the only ripe fruit. It tasted just like a plum, but was a beautiful color!
We also ate the leftover Danish pancakes. Ellen rated the baby slightly better, but I still love the Danish!

And now a word from Stef!

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