Thursday, September 22, 2011

German Baked Apple Pancake

I made this a few days ago, but I've been too busy to post it. I was happy that it had apples in it - hooray for apple season! It called for green apples, but I used Paula Reds instead.

The recipe also called for 4 egg whites, but only 2 egg yolks. I tried to think of a use for the other two yolks, but I ended up just throwing them out.
This also had beer in it. It wanted the beer to be room temperature, but I just took it out of the fridge and microwaved it so it wasn't so cold. It was very scientific.
What you do is pour half the batter into a pan, cover it with the apples (rolled in cinnamon and brown sugar), then pour in the rest of the batter. Then bake for an hour. It smelled heavenly. For some reason, my brown sugar is super lumpy. It may be because I don't keep it in the fridge, or because it's wicked old.
To serve, I sprinkled it with more cinnamon and brown sugar. Unfortunately, it didn't quite live up to its smell. It had too much of an egg white taste. If I made it again, I think I would use less eggs, more apple, and more cinnamon!

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