Friday, September 23, 2011

Gingerbread Pancakes

This recipe called for a cup of cooled coffee, which I forgot about until right as I started making them. THEN I remembered that there had been a cup of coffee sitting in our fridge for days! Call it fate, or karma, or Ellen leaving mysterious things around, but it was a miraculous coincidence.

The recipe also called for cake flour, but I just used regular white flour. Also left out the ground cloves, but added lots of ginger, cinnamon, and molasses. The batter was pretty thick, and they were supposed to be cooked on low heat. It took forever! I kept increasing the temperature slightly as I grew more and more impatient. But in the end, they turned out great!
It was Pooja's first time eating my pancakes! She declared that they were the best pancakes she has ever eaten. Stef agreed that they were the best yet. Ellen is still hung up on the Dutch Baby.
If you add sprinkles, it's just like IHOP!
I made this one for Andy <3 I am going to work on making more cool pancake shapes.
I ate one leftover this morning, cold from the fridge, without anything on it. It was sooo good! Like a really soft gingerbread cookie. These may be good to make, then cut into little squares and eat cold!

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