Friday, October 21, 2011

Chinese Mandarin Pancakes

The dough for these was just flour, water, salt, and a small amount of oil. It called for sesame oil, but I used canola instead and mixed in some sesame seeds. You knead the dough then roll it into balls. It was ridiculously sticky, despite the mounds of extra flour I added.

You are then supposed to use a rolling pin to flatten the balls. After an unsuccessful attempt using an old Smirnoff bottle, I resorted to using my palms. Then you brush oil over half of them and stack an un-oiled one on top of an oiled one, and cook on an ungreased pan.
When you eat them, you can separate the two halves and fill it with stuff - like leftover roasted vegetables! Stef also made pesto eggs and home fries!
These were really good! They would make a great sandwich/wrap bread.
They smell just like these crackers we had once. They also look/taste exactly like the bread in a wrap I once ate. It took me like 3 hours to figure out where I got it, but I think it was Pita on Mass. Ave. Can anyone confirm this? It's driving me crazy.

1 comment:

  1. You should try making parathas if you liked these. The technique isn't that different and you can fill them with leftover (or freshly made) Indian food.
