Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Coconut Waffles

It's been a while since my last batch of waffles, mainly due to the fact that coconut flakes are impossible to find! I couldn't find them at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's doesn't carry them, and I hate going to Shaws. So I finally gave up and decided to use coconut oil instead!

Evidently it is supposed to have all sorts of health benefits, so that's an added bonus. And it looks kind of like Crisco.
The recipe called for a cup of coconut flakes and 3 tablespoons of butter. Instead I just used 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. The room smelled tropical! The flakes would have made an interesting texture, but I guess it was not meant to be.
Stef said that "they smell more coconutty than they taste," and I totally agree. The taste was very mild.
They were perfectly crisp when they came out of the iron, but turned soggy in just a few minutes. I looked it up and turns out you can put them in the oven on very low heat to keep them crispy. I will have to try that next time. No one likes a soggy waffle.
I ate one with Nutella on Ellen's suggestion. Of course it was delicious. I can think of nothing that Nutella would not be delicious on.

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