Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Basic Crepe Batter (with Apple Filling)

This is the recipe I skipped over! It's just eggs, milk, butter, salt, and flour. I used vegetable oil instead of butter, as always, due to laziness.
I mixed them in the blender. I also forgot I was using the broken spatula, and I lost the top of it in the batter! Don't worry, I fished it out before cooking.
They came out good. I can't seem to keep the edges from getting crispy though. The insides were nice and soft at least.
The section of the cookbook after crepes is called crepe fillings, so I am going to start making the fillings at the same time.
I got to use my peeler for this one! And I ate all the apple peels, which are my favorite.
Aside from the apple, the filling had orange juice, cornstarch, and nutmeg. It turned out very sweet, considering it had no added sugar!
My brother, Adlai, is visiting. He slept through the entire cooking process.
But woke up to eat! Note the vintage Town of Hollis t-shirt.
The filling recipe also said to serve with vanilla yogurt on top. But by mistake I bought vanana yogurt!! Who knew that was even a thing?
It wasn't horrible, but tasted strongly of banana.

Glen ate one with powdered sugar and supposedly enjoyed it. I ate one later with honey apple butter and it was also pretty good.
An acceptable meal. They were very basic, as promised, and would make a good base for different kinds of fillings.

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