Friday, August 12, 2011

Chocolate Pancakes

Not to be confused with chocolate chip pancakes, these pancakes just contain 1/4 cup of cocoa powder. The batter looks like cake batter!

But doesn't taste as good.
Still have not figured out why my pancakes are always so thick. Too much baking powder and too much mixing maybe. Only burnt a few, and I carefully arranged them with the burnt sides down so no one could tell.
Thank goodness I bought the last can of whipped cream at Trader Joe's on my way home from work! Perfect dessert.
p.s. this is a shout out from stef! stef was here!!!! sadie is awesome!!! yeah.

1 comment:

  1. Dad says its either too much flour or too much baking power :D He's making sourdough pancakes right now! I can't wait to see you!! Maybe we should have a pancake party when I move in!
