Friday, September 30, 2011

Hearty Molasses Pancakes

These pancakes certainly were hearty - 3 cups of flour, 1.5 cups cornmeal, 5 eggs, 2 cups buttermilk, and some more bits and pieces! Surprisingly, they contained only 2 tablespoons of molasses. The molasses and the cornmeal were mixed with hot water, then mixed in with the other ingredients.

I tried to make a shark.
Andy thought he could make a better shark, but made a pretty good hippo instead.
Sadly, Mr. Hippo lost his leg but we were able to fashion a prosthetic.
Overall, these pancakes seemed like they were trying to be flapjacks, but failing. They weren't too bad, which is good, because the recipe made like a million. There are still some in my fridge if anyone is hungry...
Glen made a cool word game that we played while eating pancakes

Also, there is an Instructable on how to make a pancake Halloween costume. Don't get too excited - it's just a circular piece of cardboard.

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