Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bacon and Cheese Waffles

Waffles date back to at least the 12th century, and may have evolved out of communion wafers. Thomas Jefferson first encountered waffles in Holland in 1789 and was so impressed he bought his own pair of waffle irons and tongs!

So excited for waffles!! I dug out the waffle iron and prepared myself for another semester filled with butter, eggs, and leftover breakfast foods.

Now I don't actually eat bacon, so I just omitted that part. I was going to buy those bacon bit things, which I have heard don't actually contain any meat, but then I just didn't. I did use cheddar cheese though!
I also cut the recipe in half, which ended up making exactly three waffles. They looked a bit pale and sickly and not at all golden, but they tasted good.
They made a delicious dinner with butter and broccoli!

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